Introducing: Kieran Ramone
The class that this space was created for ended about an hour ago but for some reason I'm feeling I need to stay up and put one more out there. I'd like to keep this going but think this ends chapter 1. I'm opening this up to any idea that weasels its way into my head after tonight. My younger sister, a big fan of this medium, encouraged me to post a video here after she saw it. I'm fairly certain that its entertainment value comes across only to us, as we intimately know the featured talent. She's certain this is not the case and pushed for it. Apparently, I'm letting her win this fight. I've gotta make up for the daily torture she received from me the first 14, or so, years of her life. There's that unintentional familial tradition, really an equation, that exists wherein the more children one collects has a direct relation with the amount of pictures taken. Back in the day, when pictures were actually an object, one tha...