
Showing posts from 2016

Independence Day 2016

In America, this time of year, we celebrate our freedom. We beach, we barbecue, and picnic. We head to ball games. We gaze at sunsets and at awesome firework displays. In recent years, we also view grainy videos of Black Americans being murdered by those sworn to protect and serve before immediately (reflexively) describing all the ways the victim could have, should have, avoided this end. We've agreed that selling both "loosies," and CDs,  playing with a toy gun in a public park or at a public Wal Mart , reaching for a wallet, driving with a broken tail light, refusing to extinguish a cigarette in one's own car, and simply walking on a sidewalk while Black... we've agreed that these are all prohibited activities punishable by death. This is America.   This is the freedom we celebrate. And This will never, ever change until we (White people) demand it so. Or at the very least, find it in ourselves to care. If we all actually started...

Dream Disfigured

Dream Disfigured "One bad apple spoils the bunch."   I'm curious if, in the produce world,  this statement is even true. Or was it simply a tale devised  to conceal the fact that much  of the orchard owner's yield was  a complete and utter failure having  absolutely no business being looked  upon as anything but defected, rotting waste. My son will be nine this year. This child , seen here, is twelve. If anyone ever put their  f ucking hands on  him and...      No. That, of course, would never happen It c ould never happen See, his skin is neither brown nor black. Excuse me can someone plea se point  me towards the sales department? I'm here to return my American Dream